Agronomy Update
May 10, 2016
Bunker Renovation Update:
The 2016 phase of the bunker renovation has been completed and in
doing so it completes 50% of the total project. This summer we will be working
with Medalist on bidding the 2017 phase. Medalist is also finishing up a few
drainage projects on the driving range and #18 tees, expect completion by
Thursday afternoon.
Spring Sodding:
The next two weeks we will be working on painting, cutting,
prepping and laying sod in areas that did not transition from winter. A majority of the damage is typical cart path
edges and high traffic walkways. Overall, the course did well considering the
extremely wet fall (50+ inches) and the wild temperature swings during the winter
(75F on 12/26/16).
The greens lost a good bit of color this past weekend; the morning
lows dipped into the low 40’s and the greens went off color. Warmer
temperatures and abundant sunshine over the next few days will have everything
greening back up. As always, evaluating our programs is critical and there was
drastic improvement from the spring of 2015. However, critical analysis both
internally and externally is a must. One of the unique ways of analyzation in
BrightView, is by inviting Dr. Todd Bunnell Ph. D, to visit and review our
processes. Dr. Bunnell oversees the agronomic programs of over 80+ courses
throughout the county, so his information is a great tool for our course.