It has been a busy summer, which
is a good thing, unfortunately I fell behind on keeping the Blog up to date with Course
Happenings! The temperatures are beginning to fall and the grass is to slowing down, so I can use some of my time updating the Blog and keeping
membership informed on any Golf Course news.
Kevin Dunn, Assistant
Superintendent, was promoted to Golf Course Superintendent in Boca Raton. This was a great advancement and
well deserved. His replacement is Tyler Trzaska from Rivermont Golf and Country
Club. Tyler has
been on property for two months and is exceeding expectations. We are working
on a Blog entry introducing Tyler
to the St Ives and ValleyCrest Family (coming soon).
Melendez, Landscape
Superintendent, was promoted to Branch Operations Manager for Brickman
Landscape. Eddie had been on property 5 years and did tremendous work for St
Ives and ValleyCrest. We are excited for his big promotion and wish him the
best of luck. We are currently looking for someone to step in and fill the void he left.
You might have noticed that the annual flower installation is under way. It is that time of year to plant your Pansies, Violas, Cabbage and Kale. Once the temperatures fall a little more, we will install the tulip bulbs for the March Flower show! The trick now is to deter the deer and rabbits from eating the flowers for dinner.
Next Blog...
Why do we topdress greens every week?!