In a "no till" conversion from Bentgrass to UltraDwarf Bermuda grass you only get one chance to ensure a clean canvas prior to sprigging. St Ives contracted TriEst Ag to apply a fumigant (Methyl Bromide). This will ensure a complete kill of all pests in the profile of the putting green.
The fumigant will be applied under a protective plastic barrier and must be secured. To do this we cut a 4 x 6 inch trench around the perimeter of the green. This allowed us to "bury" the edges of the tarp and contain all the fumigant underneath the plastic.
The 6 man crew pulling, gluing, cutting and burying the tarps.
The Putting Green once covered and ready for fumigant.
The applicator pulling up and attaching his hoses to apply the fumigant. The rate was 1 lb/ 100 ft2. The tarps will remain in place for 5 days and then removed and disposed by TriEst Ag. Once the plastic tarps are removed the soil will be completely sterile free of all weeds and pests (poa and nematodes!!). The maintenance staff will then pre load the soil with nutrients (fertilizer) prior to the sprigs hitting the soil next week.