The staff finished installing the plant material this morning. A much better look in my humble opinion, I can't wait until the Azalea's and Rhododendron's bloom in the spring. Then the Red Maples will have awesome red foliage next fall. The surrounding area has been seeded with Tall Fescue and will require some patience as it grows in. We also have some Miscanthis Grass and European Viburnum's planted along the creek to add some definition. Oh I almost forgot, the most important part, the MiniVerde is loving the sunshine!!
Monday, December 30, 2013
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Agronomy Department and Course Weekly Update
December 19, 2013
I have just a few quick bullet points this week:
The plant material (trees and shrubs) which will be used to
finish the landscape renovations has finally arrived, so you will see our staff
installing plants over the next couple of weeks on holes 7, 8, 15 and 16. I am excited to see the finished product.
This week finally provided a break in the rain and we were
able to finish spraying our Pre/Post Emergent Herbicide. This application has taken
almost 4 weeks to complete due to the rain, it should have only taken 5 days,
very frustrating.
We will also be repainting the gray tee markers as the color
we used this summer looks white when it is in the sun and we prefer a gray tone.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at and for
more information follow us on Twitter @stivescc_vcsup and the Blog:
See y’all on the course,
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Agronomy Department and Course Weekly Update
December 12, 2013
Nine days in a row of rain to start off December! The course was soaked with 3.85 inches of rain
over that nine day window. Between
washed out bunkers, wet fairways and weeds germinating, I am ready for some dry
days to attack course maintenance.
The maintenance staff was able to spray the Clubhouse, Tennis
facility and parking lots turf for weeds on Tuesday and Wednesday. We are starting to bulk spray the course on
Thursday on the holes that are dry enough to ride. The staff was also back pack spraying in areas
that are too wet and good deal of weed break through. Once the weeds are sprayed it will still take
time for the herbicide to completely kill off the weeds, since these cold temperatures
affect speed with which the plant metabolizes the herbicide.
With the high amount of rainfall, the greens were starting
to hold water and puddle, despite applying a wetting agent and using the
SubAir. So, on Tuesday and Wednesday we
used needle tines to open up small holes to allow water to infiltrate into the
canopy. We rolled the greens immediately afterwards and saw no disruption to
ball roll.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at and for
more information follow us on Twitter @stivescc_vcsup and the Blog:
See y’all on the course,
Monday, December 9, 2013
This is the 8th consecutive day with rain at the club. Unfortunately, we are not able to spray the weeds that are emerging in the Fairways and Roughs. As soon as we get at dry day, the maintenance staff will be out in full weed spraying force. The two reasons we can't spray now is because the ground is too wet to get a sprayer out without damaging the turf and we can not treat weeds with Post Emergent herbicide if it is raining because it will wash the herbicide off the leaf blade. If the forecast holds we will be spraying Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Agronomy Department and Course Weekly Update
December 5, 2013
I can’t believe it is December already, it seems like
yesterday the Club voted to convert to MiniVerde greens.
It has been another rainy week on the course. We have not
been able to finish spraying our PreEmergent tank due to the rain. No worries, we have plenty of time to finish.
We have been testing different paint/pigments to use on the greens once they go
completely dormant. We have used the
Nursery Green as our trial green testing 4-5 products and it is beginning to
look like a checkered quilt. The goal is
to paint the greens once they go completely dormant, so if we have a warm
winter, there is a possibility we do not paint at all.
I hope everyone is enjoying the new greens; I have been
pleasantly surprised how great they are putting for being almost dormant. It gets us excited in the Agronomy Dept, to
focus on attacking the golf course this summer while the greens are running
this quick.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at and for
more information follow us on Twitter @stivescc_vcsup and the Blog:
See y’all on the course,
Monday, December 2, 2013
Agronomy Department and Course Weekly Update
November 28, 2013
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone gets to enjoy some great
food and time with family.
This is quite a week for the weather… Rain all day on
Tuesday, Snow flurries and windy on Wednesday and Sub 20 degrees for Thursday
morning. The maintenance staff pulled covers on Wednesday morning and will
remove them Friday morning before the shotgun. The weather fell right in line
with our protocol to pull covers and keep them on for a day.
We have also started one of our PreEmergent Herbicide
applications this week. This application not only kills existing weeds in the Bermuda turf, it also prevents new weeds from
germinating. We expect to see 80-85% control this season and have Post Emergent
Herbicide’s on hand to control any breakthrough.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at and for
more information follow us on Twitter @stivescc_vcsup and the Blog:
See y’all on the course,