Friday, November 22, 2013
Due to the expected heavy frost Sunday morning the Tee Sheet is moving to a 12:30 pm Shotgun. Please call the Proshop with any questions.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Agronomy Department and Course Weekly Update
November 21, 2013
We have finalized the protocol for
pulling the covers on the greens, I posted it on Twitter and the Blog last
week, but I will include it on the Weekly Update so everyone is up to speed. It
is as follows: 25 degrees or cooler for two consecutive nights with soil temps
less than 40 degrees and expected highs the next day less than 50 degrees.
Clear as mud?
The maintenance staff is busy
continuing to repair shallow bunkers and exposed fabric, this is a tedious and
seemingly never ending process.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at and for
more information follow us on Twitter @stivescc_vcsup and the Blog:
See y’all on the course,
Friday, November 15, 2013
When we pull covers....
This will be our guideline on pulling covers over the greens, I will monitor the forecast and communicate with the membership when the time arises. So, please follow the Blog and Twitter!
25 degrees or cooler for two
consecutive nights
Soil temps less than 40 degrees
Highs less than 50
As always when dealing with Mother Nature there will need to be some flexibility.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Agronomy Department and Course Weekly Update
November 13, 2013
We had our first cold snap of the year this week and the Agronomy
Department pulled the turf covers over the greens. If we had someone with a video camera we could
have been on “America’s Funniest Home Videos” because the combination of 25 mph
winds and tarps tend to drag people around. It took 8 employees 4.5 hours to do
our 1st greens covering; I believe we will become more efficient
with practice. This morning I checked the soil temps of the tee boxes vs greens,
it was 12 degrees warmer underneath the tarps and that is scientific proof of
why we need to cover the greens. We are
still finalizing our protocol on covering greens in regards to temperature and
play. Next week, I will have finalized
information, once presented to the Golf and Grounds Committee. Just for your basic information we look for 25
degrees F or colder.
Medalist has started grading in the landscape area on 7, 8,
15, 16 and sod installation will start on Thursday. Pricing is almost complete for the plant
material that will be installed after the sod is laid.
We are also working on a basin washout on the left hand side
of #3 cart path, so please be careful, as we will have it roped off.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at and for
more information follow us on Twitter @stivescc_vcsup and the Blog:
See y’all on the course,
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Agronomy Department and Course Weekly Update
November 6th,
You’ll know autumn is here when you see us sending out 2 tractor
blowers, 2 pull-behind blowers daily and the course is still covered in leaves
and pine straw. The staff has been hard
at work with daily maintenance of the golf course: mowing, blowing, edging, spraying
weeds and repairing irrigation/drainage. You will notice the wet spot in the 18th
fairway has been repaired this week and a new drain basin installed. We have also hired Medalist Golf to do all of the
grading and sodding work in the areas left from tree removal and thus will
allow our staff to continue to focus on the smaller details around the course. Once Medalist has completed the work, we will
install the trees, shrubs and plant fine fescue. A fertilizer and fungicide were applied to the
greens today.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at and for
more information follow us on Twitter @stivescc_vcsup and the Blog:
See y’all on the course,
Last weeks update....
Agronomy Department and Course Weekly Update
October 31th, 2013
Happy Halloween!
The disease from last week has been controlled and the
greens are starting the recovery process. The cooler temperatures coupled with the fact that
MiniVerde is a warm season turfgrass means the recovery will be slow, however,
the damage will only be cosmetic/aesthetic. A fertilizer tank was applied to the greens on
the 30th, which will promote new growth. Last week we applied a pigment to the tee
boxes and fairways, which will help the turf hold its color longer into the fall
and winter. The goal is to have a sharp contrast between the fairways and the roughs.
A second application is scheduled for next week.
The pump station is back online after the pressure reducing valve
was installed last week.
The Maintenance staff
is working on detailing beds around the course and increasing bunker
maintenance. The Driving Range Tees (DRT)
were also sprayed with a foliar fertilizer tank on the 29th to
encourage a vigorous stand of ryegrass before the cold weather sets in. Next week we will re-seed the entire tee box
to increase our seed bed. Please follow the “mats only” signage so that we can
utilize the turf as far into the winter as possible. I have also attached a few photos of the
proper way to take a divot on the DRT.
Preferred Divot Pattern
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at and for
more information follow us on Twitter @stivescc_vcsup and the Blog:
See y’all on the course,